The Impact Of Being Positive At Work
Being positive does bring individual gains and this in itself can create or facilitate change. Any individual change will have a positive impact on others around us in the workplace, including clients, colleagues and the broader organization.
Examples of some specific benefits of positivity at the workplace are:
1. Health and effectiveness at work – having more energy, better workload management.
2. Relationships with clients and subordinates – able to listen more receptively and provide a sense of hope to them.
3. Relationships with colleagues – more open to collaborating on problem solving.
Examples of some specific benefits of positivity at the workplace are:
1. Health and effectiveness at work – having more energy, better workload management.
2. Relationships with clients and subordinates – able to listen more receptively and provide a sense of hope to them.
3. Relationships with colleagues – more open to collaborating on problem solving.
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